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CEO Message

I am excited to welcome you to our innovative ecosystem at DigyCorp. We are committed to combining sustainability with innovation, and our work is a testament to that mission.
Our journey began with crafting simulation models for critical sectors such as defence and energy, which eventually led us to our core expertise in digital twinning (digital replicas of the physical world). For several years, we have been exploring the possibilities of technology and pioneering the transformative field of Digital Twinning. Our groundbreaking projects, such as the digital twinning of UK airspace and the world’s largest coral reef restoration initiative in the Red Sea, demonstrate our commitment to using technology for the greater good.
We invite you to join us on this remarkable journey. Together, we will continue to push boundaries and innovate towards a planet fit for future generations.

Our Quality Clientele`

We have implemented significant software deliveries for our clients below. For example at National Grid, we delivered complex mission critical systems running a Product delivery cross cutting 4 products having complex interdependencies with 4 scrum teams totalling 50+ staff.